Tag Archives: ppmmc

Programming, Probability, and the Modern Mathematics Classroom — Exercises Part 5

This post is part of the ppmmc series. Please make sure to have read the previous posts in the ppmmc series so that the context is understood.

In this part, I discuss Python sets in more detail. I will go over some set operations, like ‘intersection’, ‘difference’, and ‘union’. I will also go over a little bit of string-handling. and give a very light introduction to the Python ‘__hash__’ method as well.

While there won’t really be a discussion of probability problems, I will give an introduction to some concepts from set theory. Set theory is important when thinking about enumeration (combinatorics, inclusion-exclusion, etc.) or working with sigma algebras (much, much later), for example. Instructors are encouraged to go over this with students by tieing in the typical Venn diagrams and writing small programs to do some of the Venn diagram-like calculations.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions or would like more information about setting up a workshop or training in your school.

Download: ppmmc_exercises_part5.pdf