Cryptarithmetic Puzzles for 2023, Puzzle #19 WRONG + WRONG = RIGHT

Hey, who said two wrongs don’t make a right? WRONG + WRONG = RIGHT

Solutions are below the image!


WRONG_first WRONG_second RIGHT_third
12734 12734 25468
12867 12867 25734
12938 12938 25876
24153 24153 48306
24765 24765 49530
25173 25173 50346
25193 25193 50386
25418 25418 50836
25438 25438 50876
25469 25469 50938
25734 25734 51468
25867 25867 51734
25938 25938 51876
37081 37081 74162
37091 37091 74182
37806 37806 75612
37846 37846 75692
37908 37908 75816
49153 49153 98306
49265 49265 98530
49306 49306 98612

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