Cryptarithmetic Puzzles for 2023, Puzzle #25 THREE + FOUR = SEVEN

Let’s talk about the stuff that’s lucky. Starting with lucky number 7. THREE + FOUR = SEVEN is our puzzle to kick off March.

Solutions are below the image.


THREE_first FOUR_second SEVEN_third
15633 7806 23439
17633 5806 23439
16533 7405 23938
17533 6405 23938
16544 7805 24349
17544 6805 24349
16355 9403 25758
19355 6403 25758
24811 6708 31519
26811 4708 31519
26455 8704 35159
28455 6704 35159
27566 8495 36061
28566 7495 36061
32611 8906 41517
38611 2906 41517
35711 6207 41918
36711 5207 41918
36255 8902 45157
38255 6902 45157
43622 9106 52728
49622 3106 52728
47266 9102 56368
49266 7102 56368
53811 7408 61219
57811 3408 61219
53722 8407 62129
58722 3407 62129
62411 8904 71315
68411 2904 71315
62311 9503 71814
69311 2503 71814
64233 8902 73135
68233 4902 73135
73422 9104 82526
79422 3104 82526
75244 9102 84346
79244 5102 84346

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