I have no idea how the phrase “murder of crows” came to be to express a group of crows. If you want to read more about this, here’s a link to PBS: https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/a-murder-of-crows-crow-facts/5965/
This puzzle is interesting because the leftmost R matches. This is doable by hand, but could be tricky! Crows are pretty smart, so you’ll have to be too. CROWS + CROWS = MURDER
Solutions are below the image!

CROWS_first | CROWS_second | MURDER_third |
60435 | 60435 | 120870 |
60485 | 60485 | 120970 |
80235 | 80235 | 160470 |
90235 | 90235 | 180470 |