The palindrome that we’ve probably all learned as our first introduction to palindromes: RACECAR. Well, now we have a puzzle! RACE + CAR = SPEED.
This one is should be doable by hand!
Solutions are below the image.

RACE_first | CAR_second | SPEED_third |
9483 | 849 | 10332 |
9573 | 759 | 10332 |
9753 | 579 | 10332 |
9843 | 489 | 10332 |
9584 | 859 | 10443 |
9674 | 769 | 10443 |
9764 | 679 | 10443 |
9854 | 589 | 10443 |
9685 | 869 | 10554 |
9865 | 689 | 10554 |
9786 | 879 | 10665 |
9876 | 789 | 10665 |